Precision Ultrasonic Flow and Thermal Energy Meters for Building Energy Optimization

Building Energy Optimization
The controlling, balancing, and monitoring of thermal energy flows is of utmost importance in times of rising energy prices, environmental regulations and financial benefits of energy efficient buildings.

FLEXIM, the leading manufacturer of non-intrusive, clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters, offers thermal energy meters that make it easy to implement a system for more energy efficient buildings and facilities.

FLEXIM’s energy meters combine the attributes of non-intrusive ultrasonic flow measurement with superior temperature monitoring into an integrated energy computer. All flow transducers and temperature sensors are connected to one unit.

Ultrasonic Flow and Thermal Energy Meters
  • Chiller Plants
  • Heating Plants
  • HVAC
  • Metering & Verification
  • Retrofits
  • Billing
  • Water Control / Leak Detection
  • Combined Heat and Power / Cogeneration Plants